- 推廣期: 2019年6月15及16日
- 於2019年6月12日或之前預訂自助餐並預繳訂金,可獲8折優惠。
- 所有價目另收加一服務費,並以原價計算。
- 小童價目適用於3至11歲﹔長者價目適用於65歲或以上。
- 不能與其他折扣優惠同時使用。
- 優惠適用於2019年6月15及16日,假日自助早午餐及自助晚餐時段。
- 所有價目另收加一服務費,並以原價計算。
- 小童為3-11歲及長者為65歲或以上的賓客。
- 適用於2019年6月15及16日
- 所有價目為港幣並需收另加一服務費
- 小童價目適用於3至11歲
- 長者價目適用於65歲或以上
- 不能與其他折扣優惠同時使用
Corner 18 - 如心銅鑼灣海景酒店

一年一度父親節,向敬愛的父親製造更多溫馨時刻吧!邀請爸爸於Corner 18享用「滋味葡萄牙」主題自助晚餐,品嚐廚師團隊熱情烹調的葡國美食,香濃非州燒雞、原隻銀車奉上香脆嫩滑葡式燒乳豬,輕怡健康橄欖焗比目魚、八爪魚沙律等等為爸爸慰勞一番!
每位爸爸可免費享用滋味「火炙味噌和牛伴沙律菜」乙客。 6月15日 (星期六) 自助餐每位價錢 自助午餐 - 成人 HK$248 | 小童及長者HK$208 自助晚餐 - 成人 HK$398 | 小童及長者HK$328 6月16日 (星期日) 自助餐每位價錢 自助午餐 - 成人 HK$268 | 小童及長者HK$228 自助晚餐 - 成人 HK$418 | 小童及長者HK$348 *於2019年6月12日或之前訂座並繳付訂金可享自助晚餐或自助午餐8折優惠。- 推廣期由2019年6月15至16日
- 所有價目另收加一服務費,並以原價計算
- 小童為3-11歲及長者為65歲或以上的顧客

canton pot - 香港旺角薈賢居

今個父親節一於帶爸爸到canton pot慶祝,以豐富滋味盡表孝心!
於父親節當日及其前夕(6月15及16日)藉住精美點心聊表心意,或以一頓豐盛的火鍋晚餐表揚勞苦功高的爸爸。 每位爸爸於晚市火鍋時段可享阿根廷紅蝦乙碟!Café Circles - L'hotel Nina Et Convention Centre
A Splendid Feast for Dad
Celebrate Father’s Day with a scrumptious feast! Bring your dad to Café Circles to enjoy carefree moments together with a wide range of delicacies as well as the spectacular view of Tsuen Wan West! Each patron can receive a complimentary of half grilled lobster for dining at dinner buffet.
Terms and Conditions:
- Promotion Period: June 15 & 16, 2019
- 20% early bird discount applies for bookings made on or before Jun 12, 2019 with a deposit.
- All prices are subject to 10% service charge on original prices.
- Child prices apply to child aged 3-11; senior prices apply to senior aged 65 or above.
- Above promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount.
LIS Café - L'hotel Island South
Treat your Dad a Delightful Feast this Father's Day!
It is time to ask Daddy sit back and relax! Pamper your Dad with a scrumptious meal of our Holiday Brunch or Dinner Buffet is the way to go! A complimentary "Salt and Pepper Abalone and a glass of local beer" will be offered to each Dad during Dinner Buffet period.
Father's Day Buffet Prices: June 15 & 16 Holiday Brunch Buffet (12:00 - 15:00) Adult: $308 | Child and Senior: $208 June 15 & 16 Dinner Buffet (18:30 - 21:30) Adult: $488 | Child and Senior: $288 Enjoy early bird discount by making reservations with full deposit on or before: - General public can enjoy 10% discount.Terms and Conditions:
- This offer is valid for holiday brunch and dinner buffet on June 15 and 16, 2019
- All prices are subject to 10% service charge on original prices
- Child price is applicable to children aged from 3 to 11, senior price is applicable to senior aged 65 or above
forte - L’hotel élan
A Feast for The No. 1 Dad!

Terms and Conditions:
- Offer applicable to June 15 & 16, 2019
- All prices are in Hong Kong dollars and subject to 10% service charge
- Child price is applicable to children aged 3 to 11
- Senior price is applicable to guests aged 65 or above
- Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or offer
Corner 18 - L'hotel Causeway Bay Harbour View
A Feast for Fantastic Dad!
Treat your dad with a scrumptious dinner at Corner 18 this Father's Day! Our culinary team has prepared you Portugese themed dinner buffet, offering a wide range of exotic flavourful dishes, recommendations including Africa Chicken (Galinha à Africana), Portuguese Roast Sucking Pig, Baked Halibut with Olive Lemon and Parsley, Octopus and Bell Pepper Salad etc.
To further express the warmth and love towards all the fathers, each of them will receive a complimentary dish - 'Seared Wagyu Beef with Red Miso and Vegetable' during Dinner Buffet period.
June 15 (Sat) Buffet Price per Person: Lunch buffet - Adult HK$248 | Child and Senior HK$208 Dinner buffet - Adult HK$398 | Child and Senior HK$328 June 16 (Sun) Buffet Price per Person: Lunch buffet - Adult HK$268 | Child and Senior HK$228 Dinner buffet - Adult HK$418 | Child and Senior HK$348 Enjoy 20% early bird discount on Lunch Buffet and Dinner Buffet by making reservations with deposit on or before June 12. Terms and Conditions:
- Promotional period from June 15 and 16, 2018
- All prices are subject to 10% service charge on original prices
- Child price is applicable to children aged 3 to 11, senior price is applicable to senior aged 65 or above