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「蟹 ‧ 王 邂逅 秋色下午茶」 / Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea @ Kitchen Savvy - Hotel Stage

「蟹 ‧ 王 邂逅 秋色下午茶」 / Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea @ Kitchen Savvy - Hotel Stage



Read in English


由即日起至2020年1月31日,「蟹‧王 邂逅 秋色下午茶」將於每天下午三時至六時在「廚意」供應。主廚楊國章和他的團隊巧妙地撮取了螃蟹和日本王林蘋果之精髓,製作了5款特色鹹點和4款甜點,為客人提供一個意想不到的味覺雙重享受。在即將換上暖暖毛衣的季節裡,可同時品嚐到螃蟹的鮮味和日本王林蘋果的清甜,實在是兩全其美。

受到秋天季節性氣候的影響,清涼的空氣使蟹肉收縮至結實而有彈性,帶來了前所未有難以抗拒的美味。簡單而味美的阿拉斯加蟹腳躺在胡椒草上,並舖滿晶瑩透亮的鮭魚子令口感更有層次,讓「蟹‧王 邂逅」生色不少。

Kitchen Savvy - Hotel Stage_OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門_「蟹 ‧ 王  邂逅  秋色下午茶」 / Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea


Kitchen Savvy - Hotel Stage_OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門_「蟹 ‧ 王 邂逅 秋色下午茶」 / Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea



蟹‧王 邂逅 秋色下午茶套餐

  • 阿拉斯加蟹腳、鮭魚子、胡椒草
  • 蟹肉、蟹膏、撻
  • 王林蘋果、蟹肉、酥皮餡餅
  • 王林蘋果和紅菜頭果凍、蟹肉、牛油果、奇亞籽
  • 咖哩軟殼蟹包
  • 王林蘋果鬆餅
  • 王林蘋果紙杯蛋糕
  • 王林蘋果慕斯蛋糕
  • 焦糖王林蘋果芝士蛋糕
  • 自製蘋果熱飲或Arissto




Book Kitchen Savvy Hotel Stage 廚意 - 登臺 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠




Inspired by fall’s magical ability to enrich flavour and texture in food, Kitchen Savvy at Hotel Stage launches an afternoon tea set that incorporates two of the most in-season foods as its theme — the all-time-fall-favourite crab meat and the yellow-green-skinned Japanese Orin apple.

From now till 31 January 2020, the “Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea” set will be available at Kitchen Savvy daily from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Head Chef Justin Yeung and his team have skillfully drawn out the essence of both ingredients and created an exquisite set of 5 savoury crab bites and 4 Orin-apple-filled desserts that offer guests a unique opportunity to taste the best of both worlds in the coming sweater weather.

Similar to many autumn and winter foods, fall’s seasonal effects bring a delicious result to the crab; cooling temperatures cause the meat to contract, allowing it to carry its signature firm and bouncy texture that we all love. Highlights of our savoury crab items include a simple yet flavourful Alaskan crab leg with salmon roe caressed by a bed of cress and delicate dry ice fumes. Savour a satisfying bite of crab and relish the oils as each salmon roe bursts.

Alaskan Crab Leg, Salmon Roe, Cress-2

Another item that showcases the crab’s unique qualities is the Crab Meat and Crab Paste Tarte. Sautéed to perfection, a buttery tarte is filled to the brim with silky crab paste; a chunk of crab meat is placed on top for a sensational burst of flavours, as the sweetness of the meat complements the taste of the ocean from the paste.

Crab, Crab Paste, Tarte-2

Although unaffected by temperatures, the Japanese Orin apple is just as sumptuous as the crab, for November is the prime time for its harvest. A notable sweet item in the set includes our Orin Apple Mousse Cake. Mimicking the shape and colour of an actual Orin apple, the mousse has apple flesh and juices infused in it, giving it the light body and sweet and tangy taste of the fruit.

In addition to these delectable fall season treats, the afternoon tea set also comes with a choice of hot and cold drinks. Take your pick from a warming Homemade Apple Cider made with fresh apple, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, whole allspice, and honey, or a fragrant ArisstoPure Ceylon Black Tea with Rose Flavour, brewed with the Italian coffee and tea brand’s unique ARISSTO Capsule Machine, and garnished with a dry-rose-studded ice sphere.

Extra-orin-ary Crab Afternoon Tea

  • Alaskan Crab Leg, Salmon Roe, Cress
  • Crab Meat, Crab Paste, Tarte
  • Orin Apple, Crab Meat, Vol-au-Vent
  • Orin Apple and Beetroot Jelly, Crab Meat, Avocado, Chia Seeds
  • Curry-Battered Soft-Shell Crab Bun
  • Orin Apple Scone
  • Orin Apple Cupcake
  • Orin Apple Mousse Cake
  • Caramel Orin Apple Cheesecake
  • Homemade Apple Cider or Arissto Tea

Price: HKD398 ( for 2 persons)

10% service charge applies

Promotion period: 1 November 2019 – 31 January 2020

Book Kitchen Savvy Hotel Stage 廚意 - 登臺 - OKiBook Hong Kong Restaurant Booking

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠



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