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${Intl.NumberFormat().format(points.value)} points
「鮑魚.海參.花膠」 自助晚餐 / “Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw” Dinner Buffet @ Harbour Restaurant – The Harbourview

「鮑魚.海參.花膠」 自助晚餐 / “Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw” Dinner Buffet @ Harbour Restaurant – The Harbourview


Read in English


灣景國際灣景廳於11 - 1月期間呈獻「鮑魚.海參.花膠」自助晚餐,採用優質的鮑魚、海參及花膠為主食材,以傳統烹調方法加入新派元素,演繹出一系列珍饈美饌,加上加拿大雪花蟹腳和新西蘭生蠔等海鮮源源不絕供應,造就一場體面潤燥的秋冬饗宴。

鮑魚松茸瑤柱燉水鴨湯 (每位1客)





另外,一向廣受歡迎的加拿大雪花蟹腳新西蘭生蠔鮮蝦鮮蜆藍青口東風螺等冰鎮海鮮均會輪流供應;各式刺身包括三文魚八爪魚鯛魚北海道帶子希靈魚甜蝦、*北寄貝及*油甘魚等多達8種款式亦會源源輪流奉上,海鮮款式之多定必讓您花多眼亂且大飽口福。自助晚餐當然不少得各式新鮮沙律、切肉、 #香煎鴨肝及羊扒、燒美國西冷牛扒、烤德國腸拼盤、北京片皮鴨、清湯牛脷、韓式燒豬頸肉、砵酒燴豬軟骨、日式生薑野菜炒豬肉、香辣巴東雞、白酒煮青口、沙嗲烤雞肉串、西班牙燴羊肉、脆焗蒜香芝士雞翼、泰式瑪莎曼牛肉咖喱、燒岩魚柳配森巴汁、泰式紅咖喱雜菜、日式燒汁烤茄子、芝士焗蕃茄、燒南瓜伴提子乾、素菜薄餅、海鮮薄餅、牛肉燒賣、杞子豬肉燒賣、迷你紫薯包、清蒸沙巴龍躉、醬爆翡翠花枝、椒鹽鯧魚、蜜椒牛柳粒、瑤柱肉碎釀瓜甫、雞粥艇仔粥等美饌輪流提供,絕不讓您感到乏味。





**************************************************************** (11)「鮑魚.海參.花膠」 自助晚餐原價價目

晚餐: 自助餐成人價錢:HK$508(星期一至四)/ HK$548(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐兒童價錢:HK$358(星期一至四)/ HK$378(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期) 自助餐長者價錢(65+):HK$468(星期一至四)/ HK$488(星期五至日,公眾假期前夕及公眾假期)

(12月)「鮑魚.海參.花膠」 自助晚餐原價價目

晚餐: 12月1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 號: 自助餐成人價錢HK$548 / 自助餐兒童價錢HK$388 / 自助餐長者價錢HK$488 12月9-19, 27-31 號 及 1月1號: 自助餐成人價錢HK$568 / 自助餐兒童價錢HK$408 / 自助餐長者價錢HK$508 12月20/21/22/23/26 號: 自助餐成人價錢HK$588 / 自助餐兒童價錢HK$488 / 自助餐長者價錢HK$528 12月24/25 號 第1場 (晚上5點30分到8點):自助餐成人價錢HK$628 / 自助餐兒童價錢HK$518 / 自助餐長者價錢 : HK$588(不適用於單點) 第2場 (晚上8點30分到11點):自助餐成人價錢HK$628 / 自助餐兒童價錢HK$518 / 自助餐長者價錢:HK$588(不適用於單點)

12月24/25/26號(晚餐):確認訂檯需要提前付款(不設退換)。2019年12月15號前付訂金可享有9折早鳥優惠。 餐廳會聯絡客人收取付款。 10%服務費 條款及細則:

  • 自助晚餐供應期由2019年11月1日至2020年1月31日,每晚6:30pm – 9:30pm供應
  • 自助晚餐價目以港幣按每位計算
  • 如無特別註明,所有價目及優惠按原價另設加一服務費
  • 如無特別註明,所有價目及優惠有效期由2019年11月1日至年12月31日(12月24-26日及31日除外),每枱最多12位享用,及受條款及細則約束
  • 1月份價目及優惠將略有調整,詳情請向灣景廳查詢
  • 有關聖誕及新年自助餐優惠及價目(2019年12月24-26日,31日及2020年1月1日),請向灣景廳查詢
  • 如無特別註明,優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用,及不可兌換現金及其他產品及服務
  • 菜式、價目及優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知
  • 圖片只供參考
  • 灣景國際保留所有優惠最終使用權
Book Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview - OKiBook Hong Kong - 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 - Restaurant Reservation

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠

November Member offers - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 BANNER


Look no further than the luxury feast at Harbour Restaurant.To celebrate the golden season, our Executive Chef has specially picked the most exclusive Chinese ingredients − Abalone, Sea Cucumber, and Fish Maw − to craft exquisite and nourishing delicacies that delight your eyes and appetite. Further enriched with ample choices of briny seafood, fresh sashimi, succulent carving and colourful desserts, our lavish fall/winter buffet will be the ultimate indulgence for your palate.

Double-boiled Soup with Teal, Matsutake, Conpoy and Abalone (One serving per patron)

Traditional Cantonese soup demonstrates the sophisticated culinary culture of the region. The ingredients, techniques of boiling, and equipment used throughout the preparation meticulously defines the diversified health preserving features of the soups. Prepared with multiple nutritious ingredients and double-boiled in a purple clay pot for 3-4 hours, this hot sweet soup, which is particularly good for the blood and “Qi” circulation, will warm your body as well as your soul.

Pancake Soufflé in Japanese Style

It is airy like a cloud, fluffy like cotton candy, and tantalizingly sweet like a daydream. The jiggly pancake is handcrafted at the Dessert Counter to order, and is amazingly delicious when a dollop of velvety cream is added as well as cascades of scented maple syrup.

^Available at the Dessert Counter at 8pm

Canadian Snow Crab Legs, New Zealand Oysters, Fresh Shrimps, Clams, Blue Musselsand Babylon Shells are alternately served on theAssorted Seafood Platter. The Sashimi Counterserves various Sashimi selections such as Salmon, Octopus, Snapper, Hokkaido Scallop, Herring, Amaebi, *Hokkigai, and *Hamachi. All are sliced on the spot and served on a rotational basis. We have also prepared a wide range of carving and hot dishes such as #Pan-fried Duck Foie-gras and Lamb Chops, Roasted U.S. Sirloin of Beef, Roasted German Sausage Platter, Roast Peking Duck with Condiments, Ox Tongue in Beef Vegetable Broth, Roasted Pork Neck in Korean Style, Braised Pork Soft Bones with Port Wine, Pork Shogayaki with Vegetables, Chicken Rendang, Sautéed Mussels with White Wine, Chicken Satay, Braised Lamb in Spanish Style, Baked Chicken Wings with Garlic and Parmesan Cheese, Thai Massaman Beef Curry, Roasted Rockfish Fillet with Sambal Sauce, Sautéed Vegetables with Thai Red Curry, Roasted Eggplant with Teriyaki Sauce, Baked Tomatoes with Cheese, Roasted Pumpkin with Raisins, Vegetarian Pizza, Mixed Seafood Pizza, Steamed Beef Dumplings, Steamed Pork Dumplings with Wolfberries, Steamed Mini Purple Sweet Potato Buns, Steamed Fresh Sabah Grouper, Stir-fried Squid with Vegetables in Spicy Sauce, Deep-fried Pomfret with Spicy Salt, Wok-fried Beef Cubes with Honey and Bell Peppers, Dried Conpoy and Minced Pork stuffed in Hairy Gourd, Chicken Congee, Sampan Congee with Seafood, etc., which will be provided alternately.

*Available on Friday – Sunday and Public Holidays only

#Available at the Live Station at 7:30pm

Mark a perfect end to a lavish buffet with our extensive selection of desserts including 8 flavours of MÕVENPICK Ice creamfrom Switzerland, Blueberry Tarts, New York Cheesecake, Black Sesame Cheesecake, Rainbow Jelly, Ovaltine Serradura Pudding, Green Tea Pudding with Red Beans, Mixed Doughnuts, Chilled Sago Cream with Fresh Mango and Pomelo, Double-boiled Egg White with Ginger, Mango Mousse Cake, Chocolate Brownies, Tofu Pudding, Sesame Seed Ball with Red Bean Purée, Waffles, Hong Kong Egg Waffles, Taiwanese Taro Balls with Condiments, Mini Portuguese Custard Tarts, Chocolate Fountain with Condiments, Bread Pudding, etc., which are available at the Dessert Counter.

Don’t forget to chill out with our free-flow Coke, Sprite and Orange Juice available at the Drinks Bar.


(November)Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw” Dinner Buffet Original Prices:

Dinner: Adult buffet: HK$508 (Mon-Thu) / HK$548 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Child buffet: HK$358 (Mon-Thu) / HK$378 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH) Senior buffet (65+): HK$468 (Mon-Thu) / HK$488 (Fri-Sun, Eve of PH & PH)

(December)Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw” Dinner Buffet Original Prices:

Dinner: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Dec: HK$548 (Adult buffet) / HK$388 (Child buffet) / HK$488 (Senior buffet) 9-19, 27-31 Dec & 1 Jan: HK$568 (Adult buffet) / HK$408 (Child buffet) / HK$508 (Senior buffet) 20/21/22/23/26 Dec: HK$588 (Adult buffet) / HK$488 (Child buffet) / HK$528 (Senior buffet) 24/25 Dec: (1st round: 5:30pm - 8pm): HK$628 (Adult buffet) / HK$518 (Child buffet) / HK$588 (Senior buffet) (2nd round: 8:30pm -11pm): HK$628 (Adult buffet) / HK$518 (Child buffet) / HK$588 (Senior buffet)

24/25/26 Dec (Dinner): Full pre-payment (non-refundable) required in order to confirm booking. 10% early bird discount when deposit paid before 15 Dec. The restaurant will contact guests for collecting the payment. 10% service charge applies Terms and Conditions: ​

  • The dinner buffet is available from 1 November 2019 - 31 January 2020, 6:30pm – 9:30pm every evening
  • Prices are in HK dollars and are on a per person basis
  • Prices and offers are subject to a 10% service charge based on the original prices unless otherwise specified
  • Prices and offers are valid from 1 November - 31 December 2019 (except 24-26 and 31 Dec) and are applicable up to a maximum of 12 dinner buffet patrons only and subject to terms and conditions
  • Prices and offers will be adjusted in January. Please contact Harbour Restaurant for details
  • For prices and offers of Christmas and New Year Buffets (24-26, 31 Dec 2019 & 1 Jan 2020), please contact Harbour Restaurant for details
  • Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions and cannot be redeemed for cash and other products and services
  • Dishes, prices and offers are subject to change without prior notice
  • Photos are for reference only
  • The Harbourview reserves the right of final decision in the event of any disputes

*Valid in November and December

Book Harbour Restaurant - The Harbourview - OKiBook Hong Kong - 灣景廳 - 灣景國際 - Restaurant Reservation

OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠

November Member offers - OKiBook Hong Kong and Macau Restaurant Buffet booking 餐廳和自助餐預訂香港和澳門 BANNER


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