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年度盛宴由極尚牛肉為您隆重揭幕!從日本、美國和澳洲 ﹝濕式熟成﹞,以及愛爾蘭、比利時及英國﹝乾式熟成﹞共6個國家引進頂級牛肉,進行自家熟成,將味道及肉質昇華,體驗別具一格的牛肉盛宴。源源不絕供應的新鮮波士頓龍蝦及即開生蠔必定令喜愛嚐鮮的味蕾情迷不已!
*農曆新年 ﹝2月15至19日﹞及 情人節 ﹝2月13及14日﹞除外。
星期一至四:HK$668 ﹝成人﹞ HK$398 ﹝小童 3 – 11歲﹞
星期五至日:HK$718 ﹝成人﹞ HK$428 ﹝小童 3 – 11歲﹞

自助餐殿堂Yamm 以自家熟成方式,匠心呈獻琳瑯滿目的濕式熟成牛肉及乾式熟成牛肉的滋味美饌,傾力為您帶來雙重味蕾誘惑!兩款熟成牛肉各具特色,產地的分別更能夠突顯牛肉的味道及肉質。
讓牛肉盛宴無限昇華,不容錯過的Yamm 即席烹調美食區更為您呈獻多款精選美饌,包括鮮嫩多汁的中式燒味、香氣撲鼻的亞洲粉麵及由天多尼烤爐炮製各款香辣芬芳的印度菜式,讓環球美饌為您淋漓演繹自助盛宴的垂涎滋味!
- 比利時乾式熟成西冷牛肉 ﹝十五天﹞
- 英國乾式熟成西冷牛肉串配蕃茄乾
- 美國濕式熟成牛腹肉窩夫脆筒
- 泰式牛肉沙律 ─ 澳洲濕式熟成西冷牛肉
- 美國濕式熟成西冷及比利時乾式熟成肉眼扒配辣根牛油洋蔥松露醬汁 ﹝鐵板﹞
- 炙燒日式和牛吞拿魚他他卷 ﹝壽司﹞
- 澳洲頂級濕式熟成有骨肉眼 ﹝烤肉﹞
Yamm豐盛自助餐宴帶來的悠然滿足,由深受歡迎的甜品專區,把味覺體驗提昇至更動人心弦的層次。每晚供應的經典Mira 意式芝士餅,即場製作芳香窩夫伴雪糕,惹人垂涎的抹茶朱古力噴泉,都讓人一試難忘!
- Fluffy: 日式紫薯海綿芝士蛋糕
- Texture: Baileys 咖啡與北海道牛乳二重奏
- So French: 檸檬慕絲配法國忌廉乳酪
- Ciao-Ciao: 有機白朱古力軟芝士蛋糕
- Oishii: 日本芝士撻

First two months of the New Year are for carnivores! Taste the difference and discover how aging techniques enhance the texture and flavour of premium beef from 6 countries: Japan, USA and Australia (wet-age) and Ireland, Belgium and England (dry-age). Seafood lovers won’t be disappointed as freshly shucked oysters and signature freshly steamed Boston lobsters will be there as always!
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US Wet-aged Striploin Beef vs Belgium Dry-aged Ribeye with Horseradish Buttermilk Onion Truffle Sauce (Teppanyaki)[/caption]
Available from 2 Jan – 28 Feb*, from 6:30pm till 10pm.
Mon – Thu: HK$668 (Adult) HK$398 (Child; 3-11 years)
Fri – Sun: HK$718 (Adult) HK$428 (Child; 3-11 years)
*except for Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day Buffets
All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.
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Blow-Torched Japanese Wagyu Beef Tataki Roll filled with Tuna Tartar (Sushi)[/caption]
These two winter months in Hong Kong Yamm sets a spread of in-house dry-aged beef for you to try and compare with the wet-aged beef culinary creations. Each style has its fans and different flavor profiles, not to mention the origin that influences the taste and quality of beef.
Discover the differences with these recommendations from Yamm’s chefs and make sure to try the latest additions from the new live cooking stations including succulent Chinese BBQ meats, Asian noodles, and Indian Tandoor oven specialities, all served nightly along the vast Japanese, Asian and Western delicacies.
Chef’s Picks:
- 15 Days Dry-aged Belgian Striploin Beef
- Dry-aged UK Striploin Beef Skewers with Sundried Tomato
- Wet-aged USA Flank Steak Beef Cones
- Wet-aged Australian Striploin Thai-style Beef Salad
- US Wet-aged Striploin Beef vs Belgium Dry-aged Ribeye with Horseradish Buttermilk Onion Truffle Sauce (Teppanyaki)
- Blow-Torched Japanese Wagyu Beef Tataki Roll filled with Tuna Tartar (Sushi)
- Australian Premium Wet-aged O.P Rib (Carving)
[caption id="attachment_6944" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

Fresh Oysters and Dry-aged Beef[/caption]
Signature Specials:
- Steamed Boston Lobsters
- 2 Types of Freshly Shucked Oysters
- Pan-fried Foie Gras
In addition to year-round must-haves of fresh oysters and Boston Lobsters, every dinner buffet spread at Yamm features international cheese & cold cuts with condiments and divine desserts complete with our signature matcha green tea chocolate fountain with seasonal strawberries and giant marshmallows!
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Seafood Buffet[/caption]
#SayCheese Every Weekend!
No meal is complete without a sweet ending and Yamm is famed for its gorgeous pastries including signature Mira Tiramisu, a live station of homemade pandan waffles with ice-cream, and matcha chocolate fountain available every night, now also enhanced with a choice of “calorie buster” desserts for conscious foodies.
On top of that,
on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night you may enjoy a dedicated corner of creative, modern cheese cakes with an Asian twist created by our Pastry Chefs, from fluffy Japanese to thick and creamy French cakes that will put an extra smile on your face!
- Fluffy: Japanese Cotton Cheesecake & Sweet Potato
- Texture: of Coffee-Baileys Hokkaido Double Fromage Cake
- So French: Fromage Blanc et Citron (French creamy yogurt & lemon curd)
- Ciao-Ciao: Organic Milk Chocolate Ricotta Cheese Cake
- Oishii: Japanese Cheese Tart
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Cheese Cake Corner[/caption]