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父親節「宮崎和牛.海鮮盛宴」 / Supreme Seafood and Wagyu Beef Feast @ Regal Riverside Hotel

父親節「宮崎和牛.海鮮盛宴」 / Supreme Seafood and Wagyu Beef Feast @ Regal Riverside Hotel


Read in English

6 月 18 日是父親節,又是子女向父親表孝意的時候。麗豪酒店旗下多間餐廳於今個父 親節推出以「宮崎和牛.海鮮盛宴」為主題的中、西特色晚膳套餐以及自助晚餐,以 「日本第一和牛」的宮崎牛和多款新鮮海鮮入饌,悉心打造中、日、意、美以及泰越 美饌,讓您與爸爸共享天倫之樂。

濠餐廳 (L'Eau Restaurant)— 宮崎和牛.海鮮自助晚餐

濠餐廳推出 「宮崎和牛.海鮮」 自助晚餐,呈獻新鮮海鮮、刺身以及各式滋味誘人的美食,特色菜式包括韓式鐵板燒、日式宮崎牛肉串揚、涼拌海參木耳豆腐沙律、松露 宮崎和牛沙律、火炙照燒松露宮崎和牛肉壽司卷、慢煮和牛外腿肉拌紅酒肉汁、金不 換蒜片宮崎和牛肉粒,以及牛油蒜蓉蟲草花焗帶子,配合帶夏日色彩的露天池畔燒烤, 充滿節日氣氛。大廚更特別為今個父親節創製味道清新的綠茶自助甜點,例如綠茶朱 古力奶凍、綠茶提拉米蘇、綠茶木糠布甸和綠茶芝士餅,每一款都賣相精緻,一定能 滿足父親的口味。成人$548; 長者$378; 小童$298

L'Eau Restaurant Regal Riverside Hotel - 濠餐廳 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong

意廊(Avanti Pizzeria)— 宮崎和牛.海鮮半自助晚餐

意廊的宮崎和牛.海鮮半自助餐,由五花八門的自助頭盤及沙律吧展開序幕,提供多 款新鮮、創意沙律及凍肉拼盤選擇,包括冰鎮凍蝦及海螺、煙肉鮑魚芹菜大利風乾火腿以及意式雜菜龍蝦沙律。自選主菜有香烤宮崎和牛扒配黑松露汁伴香蒜 牛油扒大蝦,另配黑毛豬野菌扁意粉伴忌廉汁或無花果芒果巴馬火腿薄餅,以及精製 的綠茶甜品拼盤,讓爸爸品嚐一頓滿載心思的父親節晚餐。成人$438; 小童$398

Avanti Pizzeria Regal Riverside Hotel 意廊 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong

味房居食屋 (Aji Bou Izakaya)

味房居食屋和嘉年華吧推出宮崎和牛海鮮盛宴,為爸爸獻上日式和美式的驚喜滋味。 味房居食屋的海鮮精選有宮崎和牛、鮭魚及鰤魚,另配季節二點先付、日本松葉蟹沙 律、鹿兒島黑豚肉御飯、鹽燒梭子魚、季節野菜盛合以及多款日式揚物、還有綠茶朱 古力奶凍和綠茶芝士餅,配搭天衣無縫。成人$398; 小童 $348

Aji Bou Izakay Regal Riverside Hotel 味房居食屋 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠

Father’s Day, which this year falls on 18 June, is the perfect day to show Dad you care, love and respect. Treat your Dad to a fabulous feast this Father’s Day with an array of scrumptious premium cuisines prepared with wagyu beef and seafood.

L'Eau Restaurant Supreme Seafood and Wagyu Beef Dinner Buffet

For those who are looking for a unique dining experience this Father’s Day, look no further than L’Eau Restaurant. The dinner buffet features a bountiful assortment of chilled seafood and fresh sashimi as well as special dishes such as Korean-style Teppanyaki, Deep-fried Japanese Wagyu Skewer, Chilled Sea Cucumber, Black Fungus and Bean Curd Salad, Teriyaki Wagyu Beef Sushi Roll with Black Truffle, Slow-cooked Wagyu Beef with Red Wine Gravy, Stir-fried Diced Wagyu Beef with Sweet Beef Basil and Garlic and Baked Scallop with Black Truffle and Garlic Butter. Top it off with sizzling poolside barbecued delights and delectable green tea desserts featuring Green Tea Chocolate Panna Cotta, Green Tea Tiramisu, Green Tea Portuguese Pudding and Baked Green Tea Cheese Cake. Adult HK$548; Senior HK$378; Child HK$298

L'Eau Restaurant Regal Riverside Hotel - 濠餐廳 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong

Avanti Pizzeria Supreme Seafood and Wagyu Beef Semi-buffet Dinner

Avanti Pizzeria will bring Dad to the Italian culinary world with the distinctive flavor of Wagyu Beef and seafood this Father’s Day. To start your meal, savor Chilled Prawn and Sea Whelk on Ice with Tomato Salsa, Abalone and Celery Root Salad with Smoked Bacon, Assorted Air-cured Ham, Grilled Vegetables with Lobster Salad, followed by Grilled Wagyu Beef with Black Truffle Sauce served with Roasted King Prawn and a choice of Grilled Iberico with Wild Mushroom Linguine in Cream Sauce or Parma Ham with Fresh Figs and Mango Pizza. Tease dad’s palate with the mouth-watering Green Tea Dessert Platter. Adult HK$438; Child HK $398

Avanti Pizzeria Regal Riverside Hotel 意廊 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong

Aji Bou Izakaya Supreme Seafood and Wagyu Beef Set Dinner

Spoil your dad with something fresh and exquisite in taste! Making use of the freshest ingredients, Aji Bou Izakaya’s Father’s Day menu includes Two Kinds of Seasonal Starter, Japanese Snow Crab Salad, Kagoshima Pork Belly with Rice, Grilled Barracuda with Rock Salt, Seasonal Veggie Combo, Deep-fried Prawn and Sweet Potatoes and White Maitake. Be sure to leave room for Green Tea Chocolate Panna Cotta and Baked Green Tea Cheesecake.

Aji Bou Izakay Regal Riverside Hotel 味房居食屋 - 麗豪酒店 - OKiBook Hong Kong OKiBook Hong Kong - Restaurant & Buffet Booking Reviews Discounts Promotions - OKiBook香港,餐廳及自助餐預訂, 評價,折扣,優惠
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